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Providing Access to Care for Children Everywhere


At Children's Choice, we  specialize in pediatric care services, and our doctors are trained in treating children, including kids with special needs.


Our Children's Choice teams take pride in delivering efficient and friendly care to create a great care environment for our patients and their families.


The coronavirus pandemic has impacted us all continues to challenge us on a daily basis. Due to circumstances beyond our control, we have made the difficult decision to refocus on our core pediatric dental services.

Our care teams will be in contact with all patients to coordinate care needs and delivery of any pending eyeglasses.

We have developed Choice partnerships with area vision providers who can take over any remaining vision care.


Thank you for your patience, understanding, and trust in choosing Children's Choice for your child's health needs.

Contact us today for our pediatric dental care services and to schedule your next dental visit.

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(844) 707-KIDS

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